Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro : Code



Pylians: These are the set of python libraries written in c/cython/python to analyze the output of N-body and hydrodynamic simulations. They can be used to compute density fields, power spectra, bispectra, correlation functions, populate halos with galaxies, study the neutral hydrogen properties, make images/movies...etc. They are publicly available here.

HADES: A large set of more than 1,000 state-of-the-art N-body and hydrodynamic simulations with massive and massless neutrinos. A description of these simulations and the methods available to download them can be found here. HADES was the precursor of Quijote.

Quijote: A suite of 44,100 full N-body simulations spanning more than 7,000 cosmological models. At a single redshift, the simulations contain trillions of particles, over a combined volume that is many times larger than the volume of the entire observable Universe. Billions of halos and voids have been identified in the simulations. Millions of summary statistics have been computed. More than 35 million CPU hours were needed to run the simulations. The Petabyte of generated data is publicly available. For more information click here.

CAMELS: A suite of 4,233 simulations: 2,184 state-of-the-art (magneto-)hydrodynamic simulations run with the AREPO and GIZMO codes, employing the same baryonic subgrid physics as the IllustrisTNG and SIMBA simulations, and 2,049 N-body simulations. CAMELS contains thousands of different cosmological and astrophysical models by way of varying Omega_m, sigma_8, and four parameters controlling stellar and AGN feedback, following the evolution of more than 100 billion particles and fluid elements over a combined volume of (400 Mpc/h)^3. See here for further details about the simulations and how to access the data.